String Function

1.      chr => it returns the Character string containing character specified by asciiii
Syntax : chr(ascii integer)
2.      ord => it returns the ascii value of first character of the string...
Syntax : ord(character string)

$str1 = "vyom";
echo chr(65) ."<br/>"; // it returns the A. because A's ascii value is 65. echo ord($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns the f's ascii value that is 118
3.      strtolower => it returns the string with lower characters
Syntax : strtolower(string variable)
4.      strtolower => it returns the string with lower characters
Syntax : strtolower(string variable)

Text Box: <?php
$str1 = "VYOM Computer Education";
echo strtolower($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns vyom computer education echo strtoupper($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns VYOM COMPUTER EDUCATION

5.                          strlen => it returns the length of the string
Syntax : integer strlen(string variable)



$str1 = "VYOM Computer Education"; echo strlen($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns 23

6.      ltrim => it removes whitespaces from the left side.
Syntax : ltrim(string variable)
7.      rtrim => it removes whitespaces from the right side.
Syntax : rtrim(string variable)
8.      trim => it removes whitespaces from the both side.
Syntax : trim(string variable)

Text Box: <?php
$str1 = " vyom ";
echo ltrim($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns vyom without left space echo rtrim($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns vyom without right space echo trim($str1) ."<br/>"; // it returns vyom without both sidespace

9.      substr => it retuns part of the string.
Syntax : substr(string variable, integer position, integer length)

$str1 = "vyom computer Education";
echo substr($str1,4,6); // it returns compu 4 means from 5th character
and 6 means by next 6 character...
10.  strcmp => it Matches two string and returns
11.  strcasecmp => it Matches two string using case insensitive and returns… string1 is greater then string2 then it gives >0
string1 is less than string2 then it gives <0
if both the strings are equal then it will return 0 Syntax : int strcmp(string variable1, string variable2) Syntax : int strcasecmp(string variable1, string variable2)

$str1 = "vyom";                  //ascii of v is 118
$str2 = "VYOM";                 // ascii of V is 86
echo strcmp($str1,$str2); // it returns 1 because string1 is higher
echo strcasecmp($str1,$str2); // it returns 0 because here both strings
are equal
12.  strpos => it find position of first occurrence of a string
Syntax : int strpos(string variable,character)
13.  strrpos => it find position of first occurrence of a string
Syntax : int strrpos(string variable,character)

$str1 = "abcdef abcdef";
$find = "d";
echo strpos($str1,$find) ."<br/>"; //it finds first character's position it gives
echo strrpos($str1,$find); //it finds last occurence of character's position it
gives 10
14.  strstr => this will return part of the string by which the character is specified along with the character . this is case sensitive.
Syntax : string strstr(string variable,character)
15.  stristr => this will return part of the string by which the character is specified along with the character . this is case insensitive.
Syntax : string stristr(string variable,character)

Text Box: <?php
$str1 = "";
echo strstr($str1,"n") ."<br/>"; // it returns echo stristr($str1,"N") ."<br/>"; // it returns

16.  str_replace=> this function is used to replace the string with the characters which are specified. This function is case sensitive.
Syntax : string str_replace (search string/array ,character to be replaced, original string)



$str1 = array('a','e','i','o','u');
echo str_replace($str1,'*','vyom'); //it returns vy*m

17.  strrev => This function is reversing the string
Syntax : string strrev(string variable)

$str1 = "abcd";
echo "Original is ==> ".$str1 ;
echo " <br/>Reverse is==>".strrev($str1);
18.  echo => this function is used to display any value on the web-page it does not return any thing and so the return type of this function is void.
Syntax: void echo “string value”;

19.  print => this function is same as echo it will display any value on browser but its return type is integer. The main difference between print and echo is echo function can display variables separated by comma.
Syntax: int print(argument1,argument2);

Text Box: <?php
$str2=' World';
echo $str1, $str2; //valid output is Hello World print $str1, $str2; //invalid
print $str1; //it will print Hello
$a= print $str1;
echo $a; //it will return 1

20.  explode => The function breaks a string into an array.
Syntax : array explode(separator,string,limit)
21.  implode => The function returns a string from the elements of an array.
Syntax: string implode(separator,array)
22.  join => The function returns a string from the elements of an array. function is an alias of the implode() function.
Syntax: string join(separator,array)



$str = 'one,two,three,four'; print_r(explode(',',$str));
//output: Array ( [0] => one [1] => two [2] => three [3] => four

$arr = array('Hello','World!','Beautiful','Day!');
echo implode(" ",$arr)."<br>"; // Hello World! Beautiful Day! echo join(" ",$arr)."<br>"; // Hello World! Beautiful Day!

23.  md5 => The md5() function calculates the MD5 hash of a string it converts 32bit hexadecimal value of given variable.
Syntax : string md5(string variable)



$str1 = “vyom computer education”;
echo md5($str1); //it returns 61b6d46887efc55f448a2df9c870ffbc

24.  str_split => The function splits a string into an array.
Syntax : array str_split(string,length)

Text Box: <?php
print_r(str_split("Hello")); //Array ( [0] => H [1] => e [2] => l [3] => l [4] => o ) print_r(str_split("Hello",4)); //Array ( [0] => Hell [1] => o )

25.  str_shuffle => The function randomly shuffles all the characters of a string.
Syntax : string str_shuffle(string)

print_r(str_shuffle("Hello")); //eoHll or leloH or elHlo
26.  strcspn => The strcspn() function returns the number of characters (including whitespaces) found in a string before any part of the specified characters are found.

Syntax: strcspn(string,char,start,end)

echo strcspn("Hello world!","w",0,6); // The start position is 0 and the length of
//the search string is 6.?> echo strcspn("Hello world!","w"); // default starts from 0
27.  strpbrk => The function searches a string for any of the specified characters.
Syntax: string strpbrk(string,charlist)

echo strpbrk("Hello world!","W");//no string founds echo "<br>";
echo strpbrk("Hello world!","w");//it founds world!
28.  substr_compare => The function compares two strings from a specified start position.
Syntax: substr_compare(string1,string2,startpos,length,case)

·         0 - if the two strings are equal
·         <0 - if string1 (from startpos) is less than string2
·         >0 - if string1 (from startpos) is greater than string2

echo substr_compare("world","or",1,2); //0 echo substr_compare("world","ld",-2,2); //0 echo substr_compare("world","orl",1,2); //0
echo substr_compare("world","OR",1,2,TRUE);//0 it is true then case sensitive
echo substr_compare("world","or",1,3); //1 echo substr_compare("world","rl",1,2);//-1
29.  substr_count => The function counts the number of times a substring occurs in a string.
Syntax: int substr_count(string,substring,start,length)

Text Box: <?php
$str = "This is nice";
echo substr_count($str,"is")."<br>"; // 2 echo substr_count($str,"is",2)."<br>"; // 2 echo substr_count($str,"is",3)."<br>"; // 1 echo substr_count($str,"is",3,3)."<br>"; // 0

30.  ucfirst => The function converts the first character of a string to uppercase.

Text Box: <?php
echo ucfirst("hello world!"); //Hello world!

Syntax: string ucfirst(string)

31.   ucwords => The function converts the first character of each word in a string to uppercase.
Syntax: string ucfirst(string)
echo ucwords("hello world!"); //Hello World!

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