C# Unit 2

  1.   What is class. Explain concept of oops and explain polimorphism.

  2.  What is an object. Explain ref and out parameter with example

  3.  What is static and non-static member in C#.net

  4. What is constructor? Explain constructor overloading method.

  5.  What is Method overloading and overriding with example.

  6.  What is operator overloading. Explain with example.

  7.  What is sealed class and abstract class

  8. Explain interface inheritance with example.

  9.  Explain get and set property of c#.

  10. what is delegate? Explain Multicast deligate with example.

  11. what is collection and explain hashtable with example.

  12. what is generic collection and explain Arraylist with example.

  13. What is non-generic collection and explain sortedlist with example.

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