1. What is OOP?2. What is class? explain with example?
3. What is object? Explain with example?
4. What is constructor and destructor?
5. What is public , private and protected? Explain it in detail.
6. What is inheritance? Explain with example?
7. What is overriding? Explain with Example?
8. Explain Auto loading of classes with spl_autoload_register()
9. Explain static member of class with example
10. Explain constant member of class with example
11. What is MySQL? Explain how to connect it using PHP?
12. Explain MySQLi OOP function to do database operation.
13. Write a code to connect MySQL using MySQLi OOP functions?
14. Explain how to insert, update and delete record using MySQLi function?
True/False _ _construct() is depreciated in PHP 7.0True/False: destructor will call when object is created
True/False: private member can access from derived class
True/False: final member function cannot override
True/False: final class cannot inherited
True/False: final method can be override by subclass
Write a symbol Scope Resolution Operator
True/False: object of class cannot access static member
True/False: object of class cannot access const member
True/False: Static member can be accessed only though static methods
1. What is Content Management System (CMS)?2. What is WordPress write a short note on it?
3. Explain Advantages & Disadvantages of WordPress
4. Explain Features of WordPress
5. Write steps to install WordPress
6. List the WordPress Directory & file structure.
7. Explain, How to add, edit and delete a page?
8. Explain, How to add, edit and delete a post?
9. Explain, How to add, edit and delete a category?
10. Explain, How to add, edit and delete a menu?
11. Write steps to add image in to a page or post
12. Explain User Roles and Capabilities in detail.
13. Explain important Setting (General, writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Permalinks) of
14. Write steps to update WordPress
15. Give the name/number of current version of WordPress
16. Write steps to update WordPress manually
17. Explain Database Structure of WordPress
18. List the WordPress Directory & file structure.
19. Explain, How to add, edit and delete a page?
20. Write steps to add image in to a page or post
21. Write a step to create SEO friendly URL in wordpress
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