Question wp-2

1. What is theme?
2. What is theme? How to install & activate theme?
3. Explain common WordPress theme template files.
4. What is widget & widget Areas?
5. Explain widget (Archive, Calendar, Categories, Custom Menu, Meta, Pages, Recent
Comments, Recent Posts, RSS, Search, Tag Cloud, Text)
6. What is plugin?
7. What is plugin? How to install and activate plugin?
8. Explain Contact form 7 plugin in detail.
9. Explain Contact form 7 plugin in detail.
10. Explain WP Super Cache plugin in detail.
11. Explain Regenerate Thumbnails plugin in detail.
12. Explain Advanced Custom Fields plugin in detail.
13. Explain Seo yoast plugin in detail.
14. Explain Woocommerce plugin in detail.
15. How to adjust the size of thumbnails according to the current themes
16. Write steps to regenerate thumbnails.
17. Give the table name of WordPress database where PAGE stored
18. Give the name of two WordPress Configuration Files
19. Give the path where wordpress store plugins
20. Give the path where images are stored
21. Which plugin is used to clean Cached page of WordPress?
22. How to adjust the size of thumbnails according to the current themes
23. Write steps to regenerate thumbnails.

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