PHP Unit 1 Question

1. What do you mean by Internet and WWW ?Explain Web Elements.

2. Explain How Scripting Language Works. Or

3. Describe Web Browser, Web Server, Web Hosting, Virtual Host and Multi Homing.

4. Explain the difference between Client Side and Server Side printing.

5. Briefly describe what is HTTP and what is used for ?

6. Write a note on FTP and ISP.

7. What is PHP ? Explain its advantages in detail.

8. Explain PHP configuration with IIS

9. Explain PHP configuration with Apache Web Server

10. Briefly explain Static and Global variable

11. Explain GET and POST method in PHP.

12. Explain $_GET and $_POST in PHP.

13. Explain variable naming rules and scope of variables in PHP

14. Briefly explain different types of Operators in PHP

15. Explain comparison operators in PHP

16. What are String Operators ? Explain . and .= in PHP

17. Explain the different between “echo”, “print_r” and “print” with example

18. Explain conditional statements (if and switch) in PHP

19. Explain looping statements (while, do..while,for) in PHP

20. Briefly explain Array and its types in PHP

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