1.date : The PHP function formats a timestamp to a more
readable date and time. The required format parameter in the date() function
specifies how to format the date/time.
Syntax: date(“date formate”)
Date formate:DAYS
d - day of the month 2 digits (01-31) j - day of the month
D - 3 letter day (Mon - Sun)
l - full name of day (Monday - Sunday) N - 1=Monday,
2=Tuesday, etc (1-7)
S - suffix for date (st, nd, rd)
w - 0=Sunday, 1=Monday (0-6) z - day of the year (1=365) MONTH
F - Full name of month (January - December) m - 2 digit
month number (01-12)
n - month number (1-12)
M - 3 letter month (Jan - Dec) t - Days in the month (28-31)
W - week of the year (1-52)
L - leap year (0 no, 1 yes) a
- am or pm
o - ISO-8601 year number (Ex. 1979, 2006) A - AM or PM
Y - four digit year (Ex. 1979, 2006) B - Swatch Internet time (000 - 999)
y - two digit year (Ex. 79, 06) g - 12 hour (1-12)
G - 24
hour c (0-23)
h - 2
digit 12 hour (01-12)
H - 2
digit 24 hour (00-23)
i - 2
digit minutes (00-59)
s 0 2
digit seconds (00-59)
2. getdate :
The function returns date/time information of a timestamp or the current local
Syntax: array getdate()
Output: //Array ( [seconds] => 57 [minutes] => 17
[hours] => 13 [mday] => 3 [wday] => 3 [mon] => 7 [year] => 2013
[yday] => 183 [weekday] => Wednesday [month] => July [0] =>
1372850277 )
3. setdate :
The function is used to set the user define date it takes three arguments.
Syntax: void setdate(integer year,integer month, integer
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setDate(2001, 2, 3);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d');
3. setdate : The function is used to set
the user define date it takes three arguments.
Syntax: void setdate(integer
year,integer month, integer day)
$date = new DateTime();
$date->setDate(2001, 2, 3);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d');
4. checkdate
: The checkdate() function is used to validate a date.
Syntax: bool checkdate(integer month, integer day, integer
if(checkdate(03,20,2010)) //true
because it is valid date echo "true";
echo "false";
5. time :
The time() function returns the current time in the number of seconds since the
Unix Epoch (January1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
Syntax: datetime time()
echo($t . "<br>"); //1372852042 echo(date("Y-m-d",$t));
6. mktime :
The mktime() function returns the Unix timestamp for a date.
Syntax: mktime(hour,minute,second,month,day,year,is_dst);
echo date("d:m:y",mktime(0,0,0,10,3,1975));
7. date_add
: The date_add() function adds some days, months, years, hours, minutes, and
seconds to a date.
Syntax: date_add(object,interval);
date_add($date,date_interval_create_from_date_string("40 days")); // 2013-04-24 echo date_format($date,"Y-m-d");
date_add($date,date_interval_create_from_date_string("40 days")); // 2013-04-24 echo date_format($date,"Y-m-d");
8. date_create
: The function Return a new DateTime object, and then format the date.
Syntax: date_create(time,timezone);
9. date_format
: The date_format() function returns a date formatted according to the
specified format.
Syntax: date_format(object,format);
echo date_format($date,"Y/m/d H:i:s"); // 2013/03/15 00:00:00
10. gmdate :
The function formats a GMT/UTC date and time, and returns the formatted date
Syntax: gmdate(format,timestamp);
echo gmdate("l") . "<br>";// Wednesday
echo gmdate("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A"); // Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 05:52:40 PM
echo gmdate("l") . "<br>";// Wednesday
echo gmdate("l jS \of F Y h:i:s A"); // Wednesday 3rd of July 2013 05:52:40 PM
11. localtime
: The function returns the local time. Returns an array that contains the
components of a Unix timestamp.
Syntax: localtime();
<?php print_r(localtime());
Array ( [0] => 58 [1] => 57 [2] => 19 [3] => 3
[4] => 6 [5] => 113 [6] => 3 [7] => 183 [8] => 1 )
12. strftime :
The strftime() function formats a local time and/or date according to locale
Syntax: gmdate(format,timestamp);
%B %d. %A. %X %Z"));
Output: 2013. July 03. Wednesday.
8:02:30 PM India Standard Time
- abbreviated weekday name
· %A - full weekday name
- abbreviated month name
- full month name
- preferred date and time representation
· %C - century number
(the year divided by 100, range 00
to 99)
- day of the month (01 to 31)
- same as %m/%d/%y
- day of the month (1 to 31)
· %g - like %G,
but without the century
· %G - 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO
week number (see %V).
- same as %b
· %H - hour, using
a 24-hour clock (00 to 23)
- hour, using a 12-hour clock (01
to 12)
%j -
day of the year (001 to 366)
· %m - month (01 to
- minute
- newline character
· %p - either am or pm according to the given time value
- time in a.m. and p.m. notation
- time in 24 hour notation
- second
- tab character
- current time, equal to %H:%M:%S
· %u - weekday as a
number (1 to 7), Monday=1.
Warning: In Sun Solaris Sunday=1
· %U - week number of the current year, starting with
the first Sunday as the first day of the first week
· %V - The ISO 8601 week number of the current year (01 to 53), where week 1 is the first
week that has at least 4
days in the current year, and with
Monday as the first day of the week
· %W - week number of
the current year, starting with the first
Monday as the first day of
the first week
· %w - day of the week as a decimal, Sunday=0
· %x - preferred date representation without the time
- preferred time representation without the
%y -
year without a century (range 00 to 99)
· %Y - year including the century
or %z - time zone or name or abbreviation
- a literal % character
13. strptime :
The strptime() function parses a time/date generated with strftime().
Syntax: strptime(date,format); //support in after php5.1 version
$format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S";
echo("$strf"); print_r(strptime($strf,$format));
$format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S";
echo("$strf"); print_r(strptime($strf,$format));
14. strtotime
: The strtotime() function parses an English textual datetime into a Unix
timestamp (the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT).
Note: If the year is specified in a two-digit format, values
between 0-69 are mapped to 2000-2069 and values between 70-100 are mapped to
Note: Be aware of dates in the m/d/y or d-m-y formats; if
the separator is a slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed. If the
separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European d-m-y format is
assumed. To avoid potential errors, you should YYYY-MM-DD dates or
date_create_from_format() when possible.
echo(strtotime("3 October
echo(strtotime("+1 week")."<br>");
echo(strtotime("+1 week 3 days 7 hours 5
echo(strtotime("last Sunday"));
Syntax: strtotime(time);
Output: it will in seconds from 1-1-1970
15. gettimeofday
: The gettimeofday() function returns the current time.
Syntax: array gettimeofday();
Array ( [sec] => 1372875405 [usec] => 447070
[minuteswest] => -120 [dsttime] => 1 ) 1372875405.4635
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