There are many features provided by .NET Framework which has made .NET popular and reliable in software development and web development industry. Following are features of .NET Platform /

.NET Framework.

o        Multilanguage Development


C#.NET supports multiple languages. This is definitely one of the biggest advantages  of .NET Framework because programmers having ability in their own languages, can use their skills in their languages. Another advantage of Multilanguage is that all are developed under same basic environment.

o        Multi-Device Development


Apart from that .NET supports multiple developments. You can create Mobile Application, PDA Application, etc.

o        Platform and Processor independence


Generally when you compile a code written in some language, it is converted directly to Native Code i.e. EXE or DLL. In C#.NET execution of programs is done in two process. First program is converted from language code to IL Code and then from IL Code to Native Code, which makes .NET application to become Platform and Processor independence.


o   Automatic memory management

Memory managed is always one of biggest headache of Developers. C#.NET handles memory managed by itself. Under Garbage Collection method, it automatically collects the objects which are no longer needed and removes it from memory.

o   Easy Deployment

In many languages, Deployment is one of the tedious task. Using C#.NET application becomes easy to deploy. You can create Deployment project easily which helps to deploy application on target machines.

o   Distributed Architecture

C#.NET applications have capability to be executed on Distributed Architecture. You can create applications which can be executed on Distributed Architecture.

o   Interoperability with Unmanaged code

Because interaction between new and older applications is commonly required, the .NET Framework provides means to access functionality that is implemented in programs that execute outside the .NET environment. So, Interoperability with Unmanaged Code is provided.

o   Security

The design is meant to address some of the vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, that been exploited by malicious software. Additionally, .NET provides a common security model for all applications.

o   Performance and Scalability

As far as Performance and Scalability is concerned, .NET based applications give better performance in terms of memory, device management, etc. You can create Robust Application with full scalability provided by application.

o   XML Support

Today XML is used widely for the transportation of data between Client and Server  via  HTTP.   Because  XML  works  in Text  which  can  be  understood  by all  OS and Hardwares.   .NET   supports   writing,  manipulating  and      transforming      of      XML documents.

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