Add new media file

·         How to Add Media (pdfs, jpgs, etc.) to Posts and Pages

In order to add or update content and/or media on a WordPress website, you must have Administrator, Editor, Author or Contributor privileges.

·         How to upload .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf files:

(It is not recommended to upload and /or link to .doc files)
  1. Log into your WordPress website
  2. Click on Media (left navigation) > Add New
    You will see a ‘Multi-file uploader’ – you can do the same tasks with the ‘Browser uploader’ as well, however these instructions are for using the ‘Multi-file uploader’. File types you can upload: .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf.
  3. Either:
    drag and drop the media files you wish to use on your website to the space inside the dotted lines;OR
    click on ‘Select Files’, find the file you wish to upload, and click to upload.
    Information about the file will then appear.
  4. (Optional) You can now edit the image by clicking the ‘Edit Image’ button
  5. Fill in the Alternate Text field
    This is the text that would appear if a visitor’s images are turned off or if a visitor was using a text or screen reader. It should describe the image in a succinct manner.
  6. Take note of the File URL
    This is the URL you use to link to the image or file.
  7. Click ‘Save all changes’ to keep your file in the system
    You will be directed to the Library page that lists all uploaded media for your website.

·         How to delete a media file:

If you no longer wish to have a media file in your system:
  1. Click on Media > Library
  2. Hover over the name of the file you wish to delete
    Three options will appear: ‘Edit’, ‘Delete Permanently’ and ‘View’.
  3. Click on ‘Delete Permanently’
    A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Click on ‘Ok’
    Your file will now be permanently deleted and no longer available or in an archive.
Keep in mind that when a file is deleted, there is no back-up and it is not retrievable. It is very important to be sure that when a file is deleted, it is done intentionally and with care.

·         How to find a media file’s URL:

  1. Click on Media > Library
  2. Hover over the name of the file you wish to delete
    Three options will appear: ‘Edit’, ‘Delete Permanently’ and ‘View’.
  3. Click on ‘Edit’
    A page will all associated data will appear.
  4. At the bottom of the page is ‘File URL’ and a URL.
    This is your file’s URL.
  5. Click on ‘Update Media’ to return to the Library page
    Alternatively, you can simply navigate away from this page. If you have made any changes to the information, you will loose those changes if you do not click ‘Update Media’ to save them.

·         How to link to media:

If you wish to link to a media file (eg. a PDF or ZIP file) from a page or post:
  1. Open up the Page or Post you wish to add the media file to
  2. Highlight the text you’d like to use as a hyperlink
  3. Click on the chain icon in the area above the text field you’re using – it usually appears in the middle of the top row and if you rest your mouse on it, the words ‘Insert / Edit Link (Alt + Shift + A)’ will appear with a yellow background. A pop-up box will appear
  4. Enter the URL of your file (see above ‘How to find a media file’s URL’)
  5. Optional: Click ‘Open link in a new window/tab’
    Only links to PDF files should open up in separate window; images, videos and webpages should not.
  6. Click on ‘Add Link’
    You will be returned to your original Page or Post, and the text you made into a hyperlink will now be underlined and a different colour than your regular text.
  • A hyperlink’s text should be descriptive of the link destination. Whenever possible it should be the title of the page or media file being linked to and never read as ‘click here’.
  • If you are linking to a PDF, ZIP file, etc., warn your visitors by including the file type in brackets before the end of the hyperlink

·         How to insert an image onto your page:

  1. Open up the Page or Post you wish to insert the image file into
  2. Click on ‘Upload / Insert’
    This is found below the title of your page and above the field where you add your content – there are usually icons on the right side. A new window will appear.
  3. If your image has not yet been uploaded, stay on the default ‘From Computer’ tab and proceed as directed in the "How to upload .jpg, .gif, .png and .pdf files" above; If your image is already uploaded to the website, click on the ‘Media Library’ tab at the top of the window and continue as described belowWhen the ‘Media Library’ tab is opened, a list of all available images will be shown.
  4. Find the image you wish to use, and click on ‘Show’ (on the right)
    The section will expand to show all details associated with the image.
  5. If Alternate Text has not yet been written, fill in that field
  6. Click on where on the page the image should be aligned
    Right alignment is recommended.
  7. Select the appropriate size for your image
    If the image was sized before uploading, click on ‘Full Size’
  8. Click on ‘Insert into Post’
    The window will close and you will be returned to your page or post.

·         User Roles and Capabilities

User roles

Roles are essentially user groups, WordPress comes with six out of the box. These go from the most basic of subscriber all the way up to the most powerful one of Super Admin. Let’s learn a bit more about them.
  • Subscriber: the most basic role a user can have. A subscriber can only read published posts and pages and modify their own profile.
  • Contributor: a contributor can create new posts and modify their content, but can’t publish them.
  • Author: an author can create, modify and publish their own posts.
  • Editor: the editor can do anything an author can do and additionally has the capability of modifying, publishing and deleting other users’ posts.
  • Administrator: along with all the above permissions and administrator can handle administrative tasks, such as installing plugins and themes, modifying site settings and more.
  • Super Admin: the final user role can only be found on multisite installations and grants the user the ability to create and delete sites, install and activate themes and plugins network wide and more.


Capabilities are essentially permissions, each one grants the user a certain ability. For example publish_posts allows a user to publish a post they have created, this capability is available to users with the role of author and upwards. As you might imagine the more capabilities a user has, the more powerful they become. A subscriber has a single capability, that of read which means that the only thing they can visit in the WordPress dashboard is their own profile page under Users > Your Profile. At the moment of writing there are about 60 default capabilities which can be found here.

The default roles and their assigned capabilities will cover the needs of most websites out there. However in some cases they might not be perfect. For example, while contributors can create posts they can’t upload files of any kind, so they can’t add featured or inline images. Another thing that may cause trouble to multi author site owners is that the author role allows users to delete posts that have been already published, which is problematic because an author can create the post, get paid for it and then delete it after it’s published.

By default WordPress does not allow administrators to modify capabilities for user groups, making it hard to fine tune permissions to match their needs. This can be amended by writing some code to add or remove permissions from specific groups, or luckily, by using one of the many role manager plugins available in the plugin directory. Some of the most popular are User Role Editor, Members, Advanced Access Manager, WPFront User Role Editor, Capability Manager Enhanced and User Roles & Capabilities. Basic functionality on all plugins is the same, they will all allow you to modify the capabilities of existing user roles, create new user roles only with the capabilities you need and even create and assign new capabilities.

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